Thursday, July 25, 2013

Weight update~


Lately I've been not caring about what I eat or how much I exercise, if at all. Of course, this has led to some unwanted consequences.. T_T For the past few weeks I've been eating lots of wheat, fatty foods, junk foods, etc. I stopped exercising daily, and started eating a lot at night. T-T I let myself do this because I was like hey I'm young for only so long, I should take advantage of my age and just pig out. 

Well.... I gained 6 lbs. I know that may not sound a lot to some people, but given my height, it makes a huge difference on my body. I'm average, maybe a little shorter than average, and to add to that, I mostly gain/lose weight on my lower body first. I've noticed that my legs have become much more stubby and jiggly. T^T Darn those yummy nachos and ice cream! 

Now I'm trying to stop eating at night. (Usually, I eat dinner at around 5pm and eat nothing until the next morning!) I'm going to try exercising at least a few times per week. I'm gonna slowlyyy reduce my junk food intake, because I'm too addicted. I eat when I'm stressed out. Some people lose their appetites when doing things, but I don't think I've ever lost my appetite because I was sick or something. Ok maybe once, when I felt sick from the medicine they give you after undergoing surgery. But that lasted only so long, and I put on the pounds like crazy afterwards. Gurl, I gotta lose weight to be able to wear my clothes again!

It's my one and only Rilakkuma!! :D <3 <3 

Well, g'nite everyone! It's 1:02 AM. :P hmm should I paint my nails? ....nahh

'Til next time~


  1. Awww good luck! Keep us updated on your progress! I find that exercise (even walking everyday) really makes a difference.. so proper exercise should be even more effective! :)

    1. Thank you!! haha i will :D thanks for the tip!
