Sunday, December 15, 2013

Winter Beauty Haul


Yayy here's a collective haul of what I bought this winter. (so far..) 
I'm happy with all my purchases. Some of these were items that I had wanted for a long time, and I'm glad I waited until there were coupons! 

I got some nail polish, lip glosses, and false eyelashes.

L-R: OPI My Favorite Ornament, All I want for Christmas (is OPI), DS Lapis, Essie Sparkle on Top

These are the polishes I bought for myself. Ahh there's all so pretty. T_T DS Lapis was on my wishlist for a while, and I bought it using the $5 off coupon at Ulta. Yay!

L-R: OPI Dining Al Frisco, You're such a Budapest, Maybelline Color Show Clearly Spotted

These I got for my friend's birthday. She just got into nail polish, and only has a couple of colors, so I bought these for her. It was really hard choosing colors, because she's sort of tomboy, so pinks were out. I hope she likes these. She better, since I bought them for her. haha jkk :D

Almay Color + Care Liquid Lip balm: Nudetrients, Cantaloupe Cream, Blooming Balm
Yayy such pretty colors! I heard these give a sheer wash of color, so nothing too noticeable. I can combine these with my lip stains. :D
You know, something that bothers me is that when I go to drugstores to buy lip butters or lip glosses, most of them have been used. I'm like, great. I always have to check whether a lip gloss has been used, because who wants a used lip butter or lip gloss with a sticky cap and a piece of hair in the bottle? Not me. o_o I was going to buy some maybelline lipstick, but then I opened the cap, (why no seal?! D:) and there was half the lip stick mashed into the cap, with a piece of hair on the remaining stub. yuck.. 
I wish products had dependable safety seals. end rant.

Ardell Color Impact lashes in 110 Blue
Yes I finally found a pair of much more natural looking lashes! I can use these for dances and stuff. :D And they were on clearance. :D Wahh after I lose weight, it would be so fun to wear my color lenses, these falsies, and some ulzzang makeup. I love transforming. haha..

Tomorrow is the day! The day that my early decision college results come out! and maybe the day that All-state audition results come out! Sigh. Even if I don't make either of them, which would be sad, I can't give up. I gotta work hard, and write a bajillion more college essays, and practice flute a lot more. Haha trying to cheer myself up. You know, it hurts a lot more if you think you made something, but then you don't. That's why I try to tell myself that I didn't make it, so when I don't actually make it, it doesn't hurt as much. :P

I have a pounding headache right now, which is unusual cause I'm not the one to have headaches, but blogging relieves stress. I like blogging.. :D 

OH by the way, today we had a flute choir concert, and the piece that I had first part and was right next to the audience, I messed up the intro! Like I went twice as fast playing 16th instead of 8th notes, while the rest of the players were holding a whole note! It was my time to shine, and I terribly messed up. I turned bright red, and my fellow part members stared at me while playing the 8th notes and I realized I screwed up. Haha.. fun fun.. I'll never get first part again haha. :'D

'Til next time!

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