Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Finals weeeeek / Diet Update


It's finals weeeeeeeek and I have 4 more left to go. My hardest ones are on Friday. T-T I don't even wanna study any more..

I went to Korean BBQ a few months ago.. Yumm I wanna go back so bad... o_o FOOOOOD

Hehe my sock tan.. The sock tan that never ever goes away. T^T Usually it's a straight line, but this year I got the weird curve tan from my sneakers.. Not awkward at all.. It happens every summer..

Diet update
I've actually been doing well on my diet! I decided to stay safe and do a wheat-free/low carb diet. Ahh but I love bread and sugar... At least I can have all the meat and veggies I want! I've been eating salads all week, but the past two days I ate yogurt and peanut butter (not together) and it was so goood but not good at all for my diet. I guess my diet is more of a healthier eating habit than an actual diet. Normally, when I come home from school, I'd eat cereal, snacks, cookies, chips, chocolate, ice cream, dinner, etc. Yep, not very healthy.. I'll keep eating healthy for this week and next week and see how it goes! If everything goes as planned, I should be at least down to 55 kg at the end of this week, and hopefully 53 kg by the end of next week! I'm not sure if I'll be able to last though..
Another story: Last summer (as in 2012) I underwent this oriental medicine detox where I drank this herbal drink for a week without eating anything else. Afterwards, I felt super healthy and energized, and ate healthy too. I was 52 kg, and I felt great and did not overeat. Then school started, and I ate a lot due to stress, and ballooned up to 56 kg.. T_T Then I lost some and stayed around 55 kg, but like I said in my previous weight post, I ballooned up to 57-58 kg this school year. It's school I tell you! stresssss...
All I remember is feeling great at 52 kg, and that's part of what drives me to be healthy again.
(Please keep in mind that I am shorter than average, so even a 1 kg difference makes a difference for me. In middle school, my goal was to get taller. I gave up on that, so now I can shrink my x-axis instead of elongating my y-axis.)

Time to go study now. Senioritis is getting worse and worse... -_-

'Til next time!

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