Thursday, August 15, 2013

Comfort foods~


I am extremely tired right now.. I was studying for an AP Psych quiz for tomorrow, but I kinda went YOLO and just briefly skimmed the chapters.. Only the first week of school and I've already had a test and a bunch of quizzes! >.< 

I ate this so much during the last weeks of break.. Mint chocolate chip ice cream with oreos... soo yummy but soo fattening ^.^ Excellent stress reliever!

I was also really craving carrot cake, so I bought a block of it. It was very good, but a little too creamy and thick and rich for me. Carrot cake doesn't taste like carrots! derp .-.

Anyways, this first week of school has been ok so far. I just can't wait until the weekend so I can sleep in and paint my nails... haha~ I'll have more nail posts soon! I know I need to lose some weight to go back to my original, comfortable weight, but stress is winning me over and I just keep on eating... T.T Hopefully you guys are in better situations than I am ^^

P.S. hmm I'm thinking if I should keep on studying or just sleep... ohhh school...

'Til next time!

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