Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sinful Colors Sugar Rush Collection. My Picks.

Another "My Picks" post, sigh, even I'm getting tired of writing posts like these. I just hope you guys aren't tired of reading these kind of posts.

I kinda went crazy for the new Sinful Colors collection because I just love the colors. I have 5 out of the 7 to show you guys.

                         Left to Right: Candy Coated, Sweet Tooth, Orange Cream, Unicorn, Sugar Rush

That's pretty much all I have to say, the in depth descriptions and swatches will be in another post just because I know that this post is going to be really long.

Have a Great Rest of the Week :)


  1. Ahhh these are so freaking cute!!! I want them so much!! <3

  2. I know right? I was obsessed with these colors, which explains why I got so many... hehe
