Sunday, February 24, 2013

Walgreens Haul/ Update

I've been doing homework all weekend, and now I have to write my argument speech about the grade system. T-T 
I don't know about you guys, but speeches terrify me. I hate speeches. I completely fine with reading from a TelePrompter (it actually sounds kinda fun to talk in front of a TV and look pretty cool lol) because I don't have to concern myself with achieving a certain purpose, but man. I can't move peoples' emotions with my speech. I'm not dramatic enough. Not to mention that I start shaking, and my heartbeats become so loud that I get more nervous and my voice falters and cracks. T_T

Anyways, look! I broke my nail. I know it's not that bad. I just hope I don't end up with a funky nail bed.
I tried the teabag method of fixing broken nails. I hope it works lol.

L-R: Fantasy, Show Stopping, Sweet Tooth, Candy Coated, Unicorn, Cotton Candy, Sugar Rush, Orange Cream
 Walgreen's had $1 off Sinful Colors last week! I bought too many.. At least they're all limited edition (except for Unicorn) from the Almost Famous and Sugar Rush collections. I love pastels too much.

Well now I'm at home, doing homework, with an upset stomach. Gah, I had an upset stomach last week too.. Apparently saltine crackers and ginger ale are supposed to help with nausea. At least they're yummy. 

'Til next time!


  1. Speeches are scary o_o;
    Sorry to hear about the broken nail (but gorgeous polishes! :D)

    1. YES they are D: but I finally presented and got it over with.. best feeling ever ^_^
