Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day! (aka another lonely day)


Single awareness day, forever alone day.. Valentine's day can mean so many different things for different people! Hopefully I won't be alone in a few years.. ^^;;
A lot of girls at my school today were all dressed up, and a lot of the guys were too. The girls each had their own set of flowers or a red rose with a box of heart chocolates. I wasn't really jealous, but just wistful. I hope I'll be able to get my own set of flowers and a big box of heart chocolates from someone before I die. 
Anyways, guess what I did today! *coughboughtmorestuff* T_T
 Whenever I see a box of assorted chocolates I think of the scene from Matilda where the evil Miss Trunchbull eats all of Matilda's chocolates from her sacred box that her deceased dad had given to her. Trunchbull smacks her lips and chocolate is all over her teeth and.... blech...
Don't those look yummy! :D
 My favorite flower is the pink carnation. It used to be my favorite Crayola crayon color ever since kindergarten too! (I know, kinda cheesy. But that's what I am, a block o' cheese.)
 I went to Sally's to take advantage of the free Orly deal!
L-R: Orly Girly, China Glaze Merry Berry
This is my first Orly bottle actually. I'm glad I got at least one bottle with the old design before only the new bottle would be available. (I'm a pack rat.) There aren't many swatches or reviews for Girly, but it's so pretty! At checkout, I had to hurry and choose one from a huge basket of Orly bottles (mostly pink) before the cashier got all impatient with me. I just got Merry Berry because it was on clearance and I always wanted a dark red polish. Total: a little over $3.
Sorry I'm not painting my nails a lot! I had to snip them short for a project because I had to play the viola and piano.. The worst with long nails..

Till next time!


  1. Wow, I can't believe how many posts I missed lately!
    I'm sure someday soon you will have someone sending you those flowers and chocolates :D
