Sunday, April 27, 2014

Losing weight~ My diet tips


Just like the title says, I've been trying to lose weight for the past few years months, and for the first time, it's I actually lost some weight last month/this month! :D

Quick summary: I used to weigh around 50 kg until freshman year of high school, when I gained weight to 54 kg, and then this past year (I'm a senior) I went to my all time high of 58 kg. o_o I'm not even tall, so 58 kg is very uncomfortable for me.. I couldn't fit into any of my pants so I wore leggings most of the time. T^T

I never could lose the weight, until I finally found a "diet" and lifestyle change that worked for me. I have a few tricks that I believe helped me lose some fat.

1) Yogurt and bananas.

Voila! My two secret weapons muahaha

But yup. Just incorporating those two foods into my diet actually helped me to lose weight. I ate this as a snack and whenever I felt hungry. They are actually very filling, and the good bacteria in the yogurt supposedly help your body lose weight.
I lost 2 kg in just under a week by changing my diet and eating those two foods above.

2) Wheat-free (but not carb-free)

Mmmmm doesn't that look yummy? I ate A LOT of stuff like this and lost weight~

Normally for dinner I would have pasta, pizza, breads, rice, etc. Mainly super high-carb and high-calorie foods. Once I eliminated all forms of wheat and most carbs (I still ate carbs, like in fruits) I lost weight, because all I was eating was protein and vegetables. Yum. I ate as much as I wanted to, and ended up eating way less calories and losing weight. 

Right now, I am around 56 kg still, because I have been all over the place these past few weeks. I lose/gain weight quickly. For example, early last week, I was 53 kg, but after two weekends of eating whatever I wanted, I went back to 56 kg. Of course I'm pretty bummed, but starting tomorrow, I'm going to eliminate junk foods/wheat products again, and hopefully I'll go back to 53 kg. My ultimate goal is 50 kg by the time I graduate, so I won't cringe every time I look back at graduation pictures. 

Anyways, if you haven't already and you're having a hard time losing weight like I did, I suggest that you experiment more with your diet, because food intake is very crucial to weight loss. Exercise helps, but your diet is very important as well.

My typical diet:

Breakfast- banana
Lunch- granola bar
Dinner- a TON of meat and veggies
Snacks- yogurt and a banana

I don't normally eat breakfast or lunch because my stomach hurts if I eat a lot in the morning, and I fall asleep during class if I eat a filling lunch.. T^T Besides, I get hungry near the afternoon anyways.

If I felt like I ate too much, I usually try to learn a dance. Dancing motivates me to lose weight even more, because dancing with huge, heavy thighs like me is very uncomfortable and inconvenient in my opinion.. T_T I learned EXO's Growl though.. so fun. ^o^ I'm gonna go practice now, cause I just ate like 1000 calories past 9pm..... I was hungry. ._.

'Til next time~

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