Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hawaii Pt. 1


So I'm back from my trip! I'm still adjusting to the time zones, but it's all good. It was really fun, and I came back tan, fat, and tired, but it was totally worth it. I haven't had this much fun while vacationing in a LONG time..

Anyways, here's the first few days in my old hometown and then my first day in Hawaii! My friend's family actually resides in Hawaii, so I just kinda tagged along and explored Hawaii. Oahu to be exact. It was really nice~

Kudos to you if you know which mountains these are!! 

I FINALLY got to try the over-hyped Honey toast.. it was yummy, but the price was kinda meh... T_T but still so good~ This was green tea and red bean ice cream!! :D

Pho is so good in my hometown~ (canya guess it yet?) I haven't had this good pho in such a long time! (I know it doesn't look as appetizing in this photo, but it was good~)

heehee more food. Banh mi and honeydew bubble tea!!!! so good!!

The lovely view from my friend's house's apartment~ So nice!!! The thing that shocked me at first was that the clouds were so low that they brushed over the tips of the mountains!! so cool!

My friend's grandfather was so nice and gave me a lei as a welcome gift!! so pretty and smelled really nice too~

Iolani Palace I think.. Really cool as well! I didn't go in though. It was so hot and we had been walking for hours..

The ocean is so pretty and blue and sparkly there~

We probably burned at least 100 calories walking in the heat for hours, so we got hungry and ate crepes at one of the many food places~ It was surprisingly good!

Ahh I wanna go back, cept this time with all of my friends and family and show them all the cool stuff I got to experience!! So much good food man... T_T I met some old church friends, ate good food, experience lots of nostalgia, and then opened my eyes to a whole new world. (even though that sounds super cheesy) It was just so amazing I can't put it into words... maybe it's cause I just went there for vacation.. There's a huge variety of people there too, like anywhere else, so I got to experience something outside of the bubble I'm in. I hope I've toughened up a bit!

BONUS: Funny story hehe.. So the first day my friend and I walked around Chinatown, and explored and stuff and then all of a sudden a homeless person starts following us and cursing at us and saying super scary stuff for no reason. We didn't look back because we were so scared and kept on walking, and eventually just went into the local seven eleven to escape. Once we got inside we were relieved, but we realized we had to buy something, so while we were waiting to buy our drinks, a man suddenly left the store, stealing a bunch of food and drinks. The employee there was yelling stop but he just left, and then my friend and I looked at each other and yeah.. Exciting first day! My bubble that I was protected in pretty much popped by the time we exited the seven eleven. T_T

I'll update with part 2 sometime soon! 

'Til next time!


  1. Hawaii? Forget beaches, the food looks amazing! crepes *drool*

    1. haha it's true! the food is amazing there *o*
