Monday, June 16, 2014

feeling stupid and... yeah just stupid


Soooo....... I'm feeling really stupid right now..

So I sent an email saying that I wanted to cancel something for college, but then I realized that I made a mistake and actually wanted to NOT cancel. So six minutes after sending my first email, I sent it to the lady again apologizing for the mistake and saying that I don't want to cancel.

Guess what. A couple hours later, the lady responds, saying that she cancelled my thing.

Did she not even look at my second email? Plus in the first email, I asked her a couple of questions, and she didn't respond to any of them.

So, I sent another email right away explaining the situation. I really hope she actually reads her email this time, because I really can't have my college thing being cancelled... T-T

I know, it's mostly my fault for making a mistake and sending the email in the first place. FSJDKLFJSDLKJ my life right now is so stressful... The problem is that I'm the one who makes it so stressful.

Sigh. Hopefully it works out. If it doesn't, I guess I can't help it. I learned the hard way. Read the fine print guys! I'll just have to pay for my mistake.. literally.

I also want to kick myself in the butt for not working on all these college documents and forms sooner.. I'm going on a trip later this week and won't be back until July 4th, so I gotta do these in the next couple of days before I go.. T_T stupid of me...

Sorry for not posting nails and other stuff.. I will soon~

'Til next time!

EDIT: Yay she reinstated my thing! Phew...! Now I gotta work on my resume and apply for jobs..

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